BREAKING NEWS – Minneapolis, Minnesota – At the North Minneapolis Conference on Peace music legend Stevie Wonder had blunt words for some in the Black Lives Matter movement. “It is in your hands to stop all the killing and all the shooting wherever it might be. “Because you cannot say, ‘Black Lives Matter’ and then kill yourselves. Because you know that we’ve mattered long before it was said, but the way we show that we matter — the way that we show that all the various people of color matter — is by loving each other and doing something about it, not just talking about it.” Black Lives Matter leader DeRay Mckesson is now calling for a national boycott of Stevie Wonder. “Who does he think he is? Yes black people kill other black people, but that’s not our fault,” Mckesson explained. “Somehow white people are responsible when a black person murders another black person, because that’s part of their secret plan. I am doing some extensive research on this issue, and I am hopeful that uh, uh… in the future, a law will be passed that white people will be held responsible every time there is a uh, uh… a uh, black on black crime. In the meantime, I am urging all African-Americans to boycott Stevie Wonder’s concert and music until I can figure this thing out.”