BREAKING NEWS – Pico Rivera, California – A video in which a Southern California high school teacher is heard slamming members of the military as “the frickin’ lowest of the low” in a classroom rant to students has gone viral. El Rancho High history teacher Gregory Salcido — who also serves as an elected Pico Rivera city councilman and was once mayor — even goes so far as to refer to those who are in the military overseas as failed students who had no choice but to serve. Salcido then focused on how pointless he felt wars are. He began by saying the Japanese did not attack Pearl Harbor, but explosives were placed there by George Bush, who later did the same thing to the levies in New Orleans and both World Trade Towers. And he concluded by saying the Civil War wasn’t necessary, alleging that “within three or four generations, the south would’ve voluntarily released the slaves. And by now, some of them would’ve earned their freedom for the first time, without being forced to go through guns and cannons, and a pointless loss of life.”