BREAKING NEWS – Seville, Spain – A Spanish matador hoping for a triumphant return from a brutal goring, was again viciously speared by a bull, where the animal used one of it’s horns to tear a six-inch gash through a major blood vessel in the man’s leg. Matador Roman Collado was in the ring in Seville, Spain, when his bullfight nearly turned deadly. The bull charged at Collado and even picked him up with a horn after it got caught on his pants. Collado’s leg was ripped open during the ordeal. He was rushed to the hospital and had surgery to repair the gash. His agent, Nacho Lloret, stated that the injury was concerning, and he now has evidence that Collado was gored due to the fact that someone from PETA put some lead in his shoes, to insure that he wasn’t very mobile.