BREAKING NEWS – Edinburgh, Scotland – Starting on Monday, the United States will suspend tariffs placed on direct exports from the UK for a period of four months, The Sun reports. The tariffs had been put in place in 2019 in response to similar tariffs that had been placed on Boeing parts (Boeing and Airbus have reportedly been at the center of a trade dispute that has seen tariffs placed against exports from the United States and Britain).

Britain reportedly suspended those tariffs last December as a goodwill gesture.

According to research by the Scotch Whisky Association, the tariffs resulted in lost business that cost the industry over $690,000,000. The lifting of these tariffs is being touted as a boost for the industry. The SWA also said, that due to the global pandemic, married couples all over the planet are consuming more whiskey than ever. They further explained that after spending an excessive amount of time together, at least one them now believes that they “settled” when they got married, and consuming alcohol is how they are choosing to deal with their intensified levels of “regret” and “pain”.