BREAKING NEWS – Washington, D.C. – NPR president and CEO Katherine Maher fired back at veteran editor Uri Berliner’s bombshell essay, suggesting he was “profoundly disrespectful, hurtful, and demeaning” for questioning NPR’s integrity.

Berliner’s findings showed 87 of NPR’s editorial staff in its D.C. headquarters are registered Democrats while zero were Republicans.

“Asking a question about whether we’re living up to our mission should always be fair game: after all, journalism is nothing if not hard questions,” Maher explained. “Questioning whether our people are serving our mission with integrity, based on little more than the recognition of their identity, is profoundly disrespectful, hurtful, and demeaning. Yes, we do not like republicans or conservatives, and we attack them viciously every chance we get. But that shouldn’t invalidate the rare occasions when we display fair and objective journalism!”