BREAKING NEWS – Bonner Springs, Kansas – A middle school student in Kansas who wanted to promote a “See You At the Pole” prayer event was barred from doing so because the fliers she posted in the school had “illegal” Bible verses, according to a federal lawsuit. Officials at Robert E. Clark Middle School acknowledged that the school allows a variety of other posters to be displayed – including one promoting a popular rapper. A poster of Lil’ Wayne posted contained the words “Good Kush and Alcohol,” the lawsuit alleges. One of the counselors Chellie Bonebrake, explained that “The Christian posters should have been removed because Jesus only spoke in simplistic parables which would bore the average student at their school. Whereas Lil” Wayne through his cds speaks in vulgar rhythmic terms, which is the best and most effective way to get a message to today’s youths, and unfortunately Christian children are too misguided to understand this important element of public communication”.