BREAKING NEWS – Washington, D.C. – The dramatic unmasking of the ISIS executioner known as “Jihadi John” last week makes the black-clad star of the Islamic terrorist group’s grisly videos a marked man with a big price on his head, according to terrorism analysts. Intelligence authorities in the U.S. and Great Britain have known the knife-wielding jihadist was 26-year-old Mohammed Emwazi for months, and they have now made public personal information about his life and associates prior to going to Syria in 2013. Through his spokesman, Emwazi is now saying he is being discriminated against through racial profiling, by the U.S. and Great Britain. He also said that the capitalists in America are blatantly displaying their Islamaphobia, because the manufacturer that makes the knife that he uses in his brutal killings, has refused his suggestion to offer him a contract if he endorsed their cutlery.