BREAKING NEWS – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – University of Pennsylvania religious studies professor Anthea Butler who called God a white racist, has now doubled down on her statement. “I wrote an op-ed in the religion dispatches magazine this week about America’s racist god,” she said. “I got attacked by the right. I got attacked by Fox, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh — I’m saying all you all’s names out loud — Daily Caller.” Conservative commentators criticized her remarks, but Butler hit back hard during a panel discussion at the Harlem Book Fair, and quoted Jesus from the bible when he said “My Father’s house has many rooms” (John 14:2). She said that until God guarantees that black and/or low income minority Christians have access to equal housing in heaven, then fair minded people should demand on their death beds that the “Almighty tosses them into hell, where the heat is equally intense for everyone.”