BREAKING NEWS – Rio De Janiero, Brazil – The waters where Olympians will compete in swimming and boating events next summer in South America’s first games are rife with human sewage and present a serious health risk for athletes. An Associated Press investigation found dangerously high levels of viruses and bacteria from sewage in venues where athletes will compete in the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic water sports. Dr. Alberto Chebabo, who heads Rio’s Infectious Diseases Society, warned that all foreigners heading to Rio for the Olympics, whether athletes or tourists, should get vaccinated against hepatitis A. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also recommends travelers to Brazil get vaccinated for typhoid. The President of Brazil Dilma Vana Rousseff, explained that “the pollution in Guanabara Bay is human sewage not disgusting animal sewage, and neither are there any dangerous sharks, so everyone is making a big deal about nothing”.