BREAKING NEWS – Sharon Hill, Pennsylvania – According to the E-Bible Fellowship, there is a “strong likelihood that October 7, 2015, will be the end of the world.” The group’s prediction is based on a revision of a far more widely publicized apocalyptic prediction that the Rapture described in the New Testament would take place on May 21, 2011. When the faithful failed to be carried away to a better place on that date, Harold Camping, the California preacher and radio host who had insistently proclaimed it, revised the date by about five months. Unlike Camping, the E-Bible Fellowship announced that they will be more efficient regarding their gloomy forecasts, and will issue a new doomsday date within 24 hours if their guess is proven wrong. They will also continue to have on sale monthly planners for their followers, that can be used to reschedule things in their life after an erroneous prediction.