BREAKING NEWS – Chicago, Illinois – An armed man attempting to rob a neighborhood store was shot and killed by a customer who had a concealed carry license. A masked man, later identified as 55-year-old Reginald Gildersleeve, walked into the store and currency exchange on the city’s southwest side, displayed a handgun and announced a robbery to an employee, police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said. The gunman next pointed his weapon at another employee and forced her to the back of the store. The armed customer then fatally shot the man multiple times, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. The president of the ACLU Susan Herman immediately took her organization’s anti-gun position calling the suspect being shot multiple times as “overkill”. She later stated at a press conference that, “In order to save lives that are pointless being taken, we will begin a working jointly with the democratic party to start purchasing for small time robbers, bulletproof vests and/or body armor, so their valued lives won’t be taken by aggressive concealed weapons owners. I also would like for these small time criminals to be professionally trained on how to launch a counterattack.”