BREAKING NEWS – New York City, New York – A simple laser beam could disrupt aliens’ observations of Earth, making it look like there’s nobody home on the third rock from the sun, a new study suggests. David Kipping, an astronomer at Columbia University in New York, said he first considered this idea when he heard about the strangely dimming star that was detected recently by NASA’s Kepler space telescope. Many scientists stressed; the star’s strange signal likely has a natural cause. But the Kepler observations got Kipping thinking about ways humanity could alter the signals it sends into space — or hide them altogether from life-hunting aliens, who may have malicious intentions. “I think it would be prudent if we created a ‘cloaking device’ to hide the earth” he explained. “We would undoubtedly be vulnerable to an attack if beings from other planets were aware of the high concentration of idiots that we improperly allow to dwell on earth.”