BREAKING NEWS – Galicia, Spain – If you suspect that your significant other is bringing others into your bedroom, you could have an adult conversation about it or seek couple’s counseling and stick with your comfortable twin mattress for couples. Alternatively, you can buy a $1,700 smart mattress called the Smarttress that will tell you when your partner is having sex with someone that isn’t you. Smarttress is the invention of Durmet, a Spanish mattress company that was inspired by the fact that Madrid has the highest number of cheating spouses in Europe. It features 24 sensors within the springs, which the company calls the “Lover Detection System.” These sensors know which areas of the mattress are receiving pressure and make a 3D map of the bed. These maps are shared via a smartphone app to tell you about impacts per minute, frequency, time of use, duration, speed and other data. It will send the alert when it detects what it considers suspicious movement. And for another $2000, you can have the the mattress send approximately 2.5 million volts of sustained electricity to the occupants with a phone app, that will also leave enough DNA for the police to identify both occupants through their charred remains.