BREAKING NEWS – Atlanta, Georgia – Dr. Eric Walsh, a renowned public health expert who also serves as a lay minister, has filed a federal lawsuit against the Georgia Department of Public Health alleging he was terminated for delivering sermons on issues ranging from homosexuality to evolution. First Liberty, one of the nation’s largest law firms defending religious liberty, is representing the Seventh Day Adventist lay minister. They contend that the Georgia Department of Public Health assigned workers to investigate sermons Dr. Walsh delivered on health, marriage, sexuality, world religions, science and creationism. He also preached on what the Bible says about homosexuality. A spokesperson for the GDPH stated that, “Walsh did this to himself, and was repeatedly warned not to ever preach on those subjects in church along with a list of others, that people outside of his congregation might find offensive or even make them feel uncomfortable. And he was also informed that we found extremely troubling, his constant quoting of the bible while preaching during Sunday services. Again, this is on him, not us.”