BREAKING NEWS – Mountain View, California – Thousands of Google staff have been speaking out against the company’s work for “Project Maven,” according to a New York Times report. The program is a U.S. Department of Defense initiative to deploy machine learning for military purposes. Outcry from Google’s own staff is reportedly ongoing, and the letter signed by employees asks internet search engine company to commit publicly to not assisting with warfare technology. The CEO of Google Sundar Pichai, finally wrote a letter to the Pentagon expressing his and the company’s opinion on this issue. “As far as a war, we at Google here in Silicon Valley want to remain neutral,” the letter began. “If the U.S. went to war, we feel it would be improper for us to pick sides. Thus we have declined to assist the Department of Defense in their quest for superior technology, because that will show bias and may give the U.S. the upper hand in a military confrontation with other nations.”