BREAKING NEWS – Chicago, Illinois – Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam leader who in a recent tweet said he was not prejudiced against Jewish people but rather he was “anti-Termite,” will reportedly not be removed from Twitter as a result. Twitter announced via blog post on Sept. 25 that they were seeking “feedback on a policy before it’s part of the Twitter Rules.” For several months, the company was working on a new guideline to combat “dehumanizing language” on the site, some of which they said was already included in their “hateful conduct policy.” However, when a white person made a tweet following Farrakhan’s “anti-Termite” comment, and wrote, “I’m glad to see he is not wearing one of his ridiculous oversize clownish bow ties,” the Nation of Islam leader was outraged. He immediately contacted Twitter, and referred to the comment as “anti-Muslim”, “hate speech”, and “internet white supremacy”. Twitter agreed with Farrakhan and suspended the person’s account for 30 days, citing their long standing policy of prohibiting members from criticizing the attire of raving lunatics.