BREAKING NEWS – New York City, New York – After nearly half a year of hemming and hawing, Mayor Bill de Blasio on Thursday entered the 2020 presidential race, becoming the 24th Democrat to join the jam-packed field. “I’m Bill de Blasio and I’m running for president because it’s time we put working people first,” the mayor said in a three-minute YouTube video announcing his candidacy. After a New York Post front page ridiculed him for his announcement, he attempted get a law passed that would make it punishable for up to 60 days in jail and a $10,000 fine for anyone that is caught laughing at his decision to run for president. The City Council unanimously shot down the bill after acknowledging that if the law was passed and enforced, they’d be the first ones to get arrested. A recent poll of the citizens in the Big Apple reflected that 76% of the citizens did not want him to run as president, whereas the other 24% wanted him to run again as mayor, specifically in any major city in Canada.