BREAKING NEWS – New York City, New York – The Associated Press was lampooned by critics on Wednesday after sharing a story in which an etiquette coach offered over-the-top advice on how to keep Thanksgiving Day political discussions peaceful. The piece by the AP’s Dan Sewell, titled “On the Thanksgiving menu: Turkey, with a side of impeachment,” suggests Americans could use special rooms dedicated for political discussion and even an in-house moderator. “Already polarized over Republican Donald Trump’s presidency, Americans are deeply split on a looming historic impeachment,” Sewell wrote. “Many families reflect the nation’s divisions, setting up heated holiday debates in households with a taste for politics. I would also suggest that before both sides begin the discussion, they do some research on how to treat third degree burns and the best way to remove stains from clothes, just in case someone gets so angry, that they pour some hot gravy in the face of a loved one that has an opposing opinion.”