BREAKING NEWS – Minneapolis, Minnesota – Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., blamed police for the recent rise in crime in Minneapolis, accusing the city’s officers of not fulfilling their oath of office.

“What we must also recognize is that the reduction in policing currently in our city and the lawlessness that is happening is due to two things,” Omar said during a town hall event in Minneapolis.

One of them, she said, is that “the police have chosen to not fulfill their oath of office and to provide the public safety they are owed to the citizens they serve.” 

The lawmaker’s comments come as violent crime has surged in Minnesota over the last year, rising 17% in total while setting records for murders.

“The other reason,” continued Omar, “is the police should adopt a new policy that prohibits them from arresting black people or Muslims for any reason, but instead the cops should focus exclusively on white people and Jews.”