Everything written here is in jest. The news is all too often depressing, and the world desperately needs to have something to smile about as they start their day. Our primary objective is to bring smiles, and hopefully laughter on a regular basis to our readers. All pubic figures are fair game. We feel that people should learn to laugh at themselves (and others), and to avoid taking themselves or life too serious, becauseĀ that’s no way to live. We would also like to think, that the people that we take jabs at would also find us amusing and not offensive.

If it’s all lies then that is NOT funny. Why don’t you write about real things or not write at all. Or maybe, write stuff that’s funny not crap that gets people riled up over lies you spew? Loser!
Hey Cheryl, to be consistent, you should also say you hate “Weekend Update” on SNL, “The Onion” and Jon Stewart. I wonder if you’re even handed with your criticism or are there some double standards.
That’s unfair. They don’t cause the outrage we are seeing here. Nice try though.
What outrage? I have seen every race and religion belittled on SNL. Some people find it funny, and some don’t.
reminds me of weekend update on Saturday night live! good job, and by the way…. how do we know that half of the tuff reported by the main stream media isn’t CRAP!
@Carl – I’m with you. I thought this was so freakin’ funny. It’s called “Unconfirmed” Breaking News!!! LMBOROTF!!!
@Carl – I’m with you. I thought this was so freakin’ funny. It’s called “Unconfirmed” Breaking News!!! LMBOROTF!!!
Hmmmmm Carl we don’t know š
reminds me of weekend update on Saturday night live! good job, and by the way…. how do we know that half of the tuff reported by the main stream media isn’t CRAP!
I think you went too far with the Jamie Foxx story but it probably served the purpose of driving traffic to your site.
Too far? Have you seen some of the other stuff on this site? Hysterical!!!
I think you went too far with the Jamie Foxx story but it probably served the purpose of driving traffic to your site.
The Jamie Fox Story is intended to provoke. Is this site run by Jesse Jackson or Sean Hannity?
That posting/release is in no way funny. Whomever wrote it is one sick SOB. This is nothing to laugh at in any way, shape or form. HOW DARE YOU PUT THIS COUNTRY IN A STATE OF TURMOIL; THINGS ARE BAD ENOUGH. Why not try writing garbage like this about your mother, your father, any member of your family. Better yet, let some jerk like yourself write about you and them and then see just how funny it is(n’t). You are a disgrace not only to the human race but also to the journalism profession.
Janet you’re right. We are in trying times and I don’t believe people should laughing about anything until we get our problems resolved. Shows like SNL, Jon Stewart, and all late night comedians should be removed from the air until further notice. I would also ban all sitcoms, and posting satire on the internet would also be illegal. This country is in trying times, and trying to make people laugh is counterproductive, whether it’s your brand of humor or not!!!
Folks, read the disclaimer for this site. It’s right there at the top in the middle. Is it really that difficult?
You tell’em Dan!!!