Dear Blake,

My husband and I are struggling to “like” our new son-in-law, and it hasn’t been easy. One thing that continues to bother us is that whenever we invite them out for dinner, my son-in-law will order the most expensive thing on the menu. He also has a couple of drinks, upgrades his salad and orders dessert. By the time he’s done, the cost of his meal is double that of everyone else’s put together. Although we can afford it, we feel this is bad manners. I worry that it may reflect badly on her when they are out with others. Is this acceptable? Do we grin and bear it? Or should we say something and, if so, what do we say?

Signed, Greta

From Sioux City, Iowa

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Dear Greta,

Obviously you have no say on who your daughter decides to marry. However, you do have control over funding the extravagant meals of that selfish freeloading husband of hers. Saying something to him might offend your daughter, so let’s go for an indirect approach. If at all possible, invite him to dine at places with limited choices, like soup kitchens where the homeless are fed. And they don’t serve alcohol there, due to the amount of town drunks they serve daily. If you go to a nice restaurant, when you arrive, inform him that you and your spouse rushed out the door and left your wallets at home. My guess is, if that loser realizes that he’s paying for the meal, he’ll order one plate of food, along with four forks. Or you and your husband should eat dinner at home before meeting them at a restaurant, and let him know you two are full, by constantly making yourselves burp. If he and your daughter eats and he tries to slide the check your way, immediately impale his hand to the table with a steak knife. And I agree with you in regards to your son-in-law pulling that stunt with another couple, because they might take it personal if they have to foot the bill. The couple may leave the restaurant early to hide their rage, but it will be reflected in the parking lot as they repeatedly key his car… after removing the tires. I hope this helps.
