BREAKING NEWS – Atlanta, Georgia – According to televangelist Creflo Dollar he has spoken to God, and God/Jesus wants him to buy a $65 million private jet. He explained to his faith followers this way, “Recently on an overseas trip to a global conference, one of the engines failed. By the grace of God, the expert pilot, who’s flown with Creflo for almost 20 years, landed the plane safely without injury or harm to any passengers.” And to drive his point home, he said on his website, “Soon the hearts of people that listen to me regularly will be revealed. Those of you that do not contribute heavily to replace my old private jet with a new one considering the recent mechanical problems, will be under the judgment of God because you will be indirectly guilty of trying to have me killed. But, if you empty your pockets and your bank accounts send all of your money to me, I will personally ask God to forgive you for your wicked conspiracy to secretly commit murder.”