Sometimes do you ever wonder why God called you to do something for Him? There are many reasons why God shouldn’t have called you, or me, or anyone else for that matter, but God doesn’t wait until we are perfect to call us. Think of all those God used. You’re in good company if you think you aren’t ready for God to use.

Abraham lied and Sarah laughed at God’s promises.

Moses stuttered.

David’s armor didn’t fit.

John Mark was rejected by Paul.

Timothy had ulcers.

Hosea’s wife was a prostitute.

Amos’ only training was in the school of fig-tree pruning.

Jacob was a liar.

David had an affair.

Solomon was too rich.

Jesus was too poor.

Abraham was too old.

David was too young.

Peter was arrogant.

Lazarus was dead.

Naomi was a widow.

Paul was a murderer, and so was Moses, and David

Jonah ran from God.

Miriam was a gossip.

Gideon and Thomas both doubted.

Jeremiah was depressed and suicidal.

Elijah was burned out.

Samson was a womanizer

Noah got drunk.

Moses needed anger management