BREAKING NEWS – London, England – Young women, hailing mostly from rural villages in Sri Lanka, are earning just pennies per hour manufacturing clothing for pop star Beyoncé’s new athletic-wear line, a report claims. According to the UK Sun newspaper, Beyoncé’s “Ivy Park” clothing line is made in sweatshops that pay their workers just approximately $6.17 per day. The mostly female workforce lives in a communal boarding facility, and many reportedly work 60 hours per week. Beyoncé launched the Ivy Park clothing line earlier this year, with the aim of empowering “women who want to look and feel at the top of their game.” After the story broke she explained at a press conference, “People misunderstood what I meant by ‘empowering women’. I was referring to successful women in corporate America, and not women in third world countries working at sweat shops in dead in jobs.”