Dear Blake,

While my sister was incarcerated, she was evicted from her residence. She asked me if I would pack her belongings and store them for her in my garage for a couple of weeks until she got out, which I did. Well, a couple of weeks turned into a couple of months.

She’s out now, living here and there, and looking for a job or a permanent place to stay. In the meantime, her belongings are still in my garage. It’s taking up considerable space and starting to smell. I need to prep my house as I plan on selling it in the near future.

I constantly ask her about removing her belongings and what her plans are, but she doesn’t seem concerned about them and no longer communicates with me. During our last conversation, I gave her two weeks to get a place to move them or I would dispose of them. She said she’d get back to me, but hasn’t. I know she has some keepsake items in the boxes. I hate to dispose of them, but I cannot store her stuff much longer. What should I do?

Signed, Wanda
From Dallas, Texas

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Dear Wanda,

Your sister is obviously being insensitive and unreasonable. Unfortunately, you have to be more aggressive with your lowlife career criminal sibling. Here are some suggestions. Most of the property she has is probably stolen, so throw it all away, and tell your sister you returned all the items to their rightful owners. Or, contact her probation officer and fabricate a parole violation she committed, that can get her locked up again until you can figure out a solution to deal with her trash. You said your garage is starting to smell. Check and see if any of her past boyfriends are missing, to determine if the smell is one of them slowly rotting away. And lastly, this idea. Put all of her items back in storage and give her the ticket. If she still doesn’t have a job, she’ll be forced to sell some of her possessions to pay the monthly rent. Before she knows it, she’ll empty out the storage by selling her property to pay her rent. She’ll be so angry, that she’ll never want to speak to you again. Thus you would’ve killed two birds with one stone… you would’ve permanently gotten rid of her junk… and her. I hope this helps.
