Dear Blake,

I became “friends” with a woman recently who constantly feels the need to put me down. She criticizes my house decor, my hair, my makeup, etc. WHO DOES THIS? I like to build other women up. I no longer feel good being around her, but she’s part of my larger circle. Please tell me how to handle this.

Signed, Nadine
From Mobile, Alabama

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Dear Nadine,

Because your friend constantly puts you down, she probably has low self-esteem. And based on that, you should do things to get that self-esteem considerably lower. So I am suggesting that you start giving her a compliment mixed with a subtle insult. Here are some suggestions. Tell her by the way she’s wearing her make-up, she looks like she’s going to a job interview, and then ask if the circus is in town? Or, tell her that you like her hairstyle, and it looks like a very cozy place for head lice. Or this idea. Ask her when she dresses up really nice and goes to a bar, what is the average amount of drinks a guy has to have, before his vision is impaired enough for them to think she’s pretty? And how about this last idea. Thank her for all of her criticism. And tell her you appreciate her doing it, because you know she is warning you to get it together, or you’ll be reduced her miserable level, and you know she doesn’t want you to fall that far, which appears to be the outskirts of hell. I hope this helps.
