Dear Blake,

Throughout the year, the department in which I work recognizes each employee’s birthday with a cake — except me. I have worked here for two years, and while my supervisor writes my birthday on a calendar that hangs in the front office, each year my birthday has come and gone without even a verbal acknowledgement. I watch as all the other employees in my department have their special day recognized with a cake brought in by the department supervisor.

I’m wondering why I was even asked when my birthday is and why it was written down if no mention is even made of it? My co-workers are all friendly with me, and I have never gotten the impression that I’m not liked, but I can’t help but wonder if something I have done has caused this.

If this isn’t something that is done for everyone, then it shouldn’t be done at all. Am I just being immature because my feelings are hurt by this? Would you say anything in a situation like this? I would appreciate your feedback and advice.

Signed, Harold
From Chicago, Illinois

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Dear Harold,

It seems a little odd to me, that your birthday is not acknowledged. It could be that your birth date, brings back some bad memories and your co-workers to want be emotionally raked over the coals. Here are some possibilities regarding the date you were born. It could be the date when the company in the past lost a lot money, and your birthday can just be a reminder when many employees had to go on welfare, or collect cans out of dumpsters to get money for food. Or, it could be a date when some people where you work got divorced, and your birthdate forces them to recall when their former cheating spouse cleaned them out, due to a misguided court order. Or maybe this. It could be a historic date when something terrible happened to this country, such as you may have been born on the same day Pearl Harbor was attacked, or when the first crystal meth lab was built. But I think the most likely reason your birthday is ignored, is because your company doesn’t want to be reminded how stupid it was to hire someone like you, that whines about something this ridiculous. I hope this helps.
