Ask Blake Picture111

Dear Blake,

I have a really big problem with our current prison system, and if I had it my way I would release more than 90% of them immediately. I personally believe if you show a person a lot of love, they will change for the better. Detaining people against their will is counterproductive in my opinion. What do you think?

Signed, Charles
From Los Angeles, California

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Dear Charles,

There has been countless proposals on how to rehabilitate the millions of people that are incarcerated in the United States. To my knowledge, yours by far is the most idiotic. Show these crooks some love? You sound like some of the hippies from the 1960’s that actually believed that taking LSD induced deep thoughts, specifically personal hygiene was pointless and overrated. Your moronic idea suggests to me, that if someone were to come home and see several people burglarizing their dwelling, instead of calling the police, offer those thieves a group hug. If you really feel convicted (excuse the pun) in promoting this radical concept, you ought to spend a month in the San Quentin State Prison to conduct some extensive research, and get your info first hand by living with those nefarious people. My guess is, by the time you get out, not only will you have a more “dainty” outlook on life, you’ll also be ready to legally change from Charles to Charlene. I hope this helps.
