Ask Blake Picture111


Dear Blake,

Ever since I started high school my dad and I have had problems. As the years went by I realized what I was doing wrong and changed with the help of a therapist. But it seems that no matter what I do, I can never gain his approval. I’m not sure what to do at this point. Can you give me some options?

Signed, Kirk
From Flagstaff, Arizona

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Dear Kirk,

Your problem is a common with teenage boys and their fathers. Your dad is probably very discerning, and is more than likely struggling with the fact that you will more than likely grow up to be a worthless individual. You’ve thrown away some important years in your life, and now every time your dad looks at you, he undoubtedly wishes your mother had PMS on the night you were actually conceived, or at least had a headache. I think you should be more sensitive to the daily depression he battles due to your existence. But here is some good news for you. I am positive that your father will work extra hard and even get an additional job to pay for your future education… and send you to a school as far away from him as possible. So don’t be surprised if you see your old man looking at some brochures of a community college at the South Pole, or perhaps inquiring to NASA to see if there are any courses offered on the orbiting International Space Station. I hope this helps.
