Ask Blake Picture111

Dear Blake,

Both me and my girlfriend are about to graduate from high school. She is very attractive, and has a full academic scholarship to go to college to become a doctor, plus her family is wealthy. I on the other hand, barely have enough credits to graduate, and at best I’m average looking. She said she loves me and wants to get married as soon as possible, because she want me to be with her when she starts school in the fall. Doesn’t this prove that when two people love each other, they can make a relationship work?

Signed, Daniel
From San Diego, California

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Dear Daniel,

Congrats on your upcoming graduation, because it is an important step regarding growing up. But I am very suspicious on why your girlfriend wants to be married to the likes of you. It could be that she’s angry at her parents for some unknown reason, and she concluded that the most vile thing she could do to get even with them, is to lower her standards to an embarrassing level, and have a wedding that invited guests will find creepy. It’s also possible that she’s very egotistical and vain, and so being seen with you makes her look even prettier and more intelligent, by comparison. But my biggest concern is, why is she becoming a doctor? I personally think you will unwittingly be used by her in some ghoulish Frankenstein-like experiment. So, don’t be surprised if you wake up one morning and noticed that your former hands and feet have been swapped out for two different sets. If and when that happens, it might be a good idea anytime you’re in public to always wear your collar up, so you can hide the bolts on your neck. I hope this helps.
