Ask Blake Picture111

Dear Blake,

I remarried about a year, and this is the second marriage for both me and my husband. Here’s the problem. Each of us has three kids, and they do not get a long at all because one side hates the other. My husband and I have discussed the matter, and we try to be objective about any friction between them, and try resolve issues with a neutral mindset. But the conflicts are driving both of us crazy because they seem to happen ten times a day. Please give us some advice.

Signed, Rosa
From Austin, Texas

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Dear Rosa,

Blended families are created every day and can bring its own set of problems. But there are some ways you and your husband can benefit from your irritating bickering brats. From the time they get out of school until it’s time for them to go to bed, work them until they drop! This would include cutting grass, washing dishes, and engine maintenance on both vehicles. To remain informed of the mindset of both sides, nurture your relationship with the tattle tales, especially the ones that gets a twisted rush out of seeing someone get in trouble. To save me during Christmas, inconspicuously start fights between them, and use that as an excuse not to buy any of them anything. And never forget this, that your biggest fear should be that the “Brady Bunch” from Hades unite. Because if that ever happens, it’s just a matter of time before you and your husband’s lifeless bodies will be profiled on NBC’s “Dateline”. While their individual attorneys profess their innocence, and negotiate their contracts after one of the cable networks offers them a reality show. I hope this helps.
