Dear Blake,

I was divorced three years ago, and I recently went on some dating sites to find a possible companion. All the women I met had posted photos that looked nothing like them. It was embarrassing, and I wish they would post a recent photo/selfie so that there would be no surprises at the first date. I think women would be wise to place a recent photo on their profile with the caption, “What you see is what you get.” It would eliminate any surprises. What do you think?

Signed, Martin

From Van Nuys, California

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Dear Martin,

Vanity in regards to women has been here since humans have existed. But trying to trap a man using outdated photos, airbrushing, and other women’s images altogether, crosses a line. Try talking to them on Skype an hour before the scheduled date, and if they don’t resemble the image that they posted, fake a heart attack and cut the feed. You can also encourage them to be current with their pictures by saying your best friend is a ruthless attorney that loves suing people for false advertising. You should also be realistic and accept the basic fact, that when women first rise from their slumber, most of them without make-up could frighten and unnerve Dracula. However, honesty in a relationship is important. And I personally believe that no woman should post any pictures of herself on a dating website. That way, if he thinks she looks ghastly after seeing her the first time in person, and he asks her out for a second date, she’ll know she has a brave man that’s worth keeping… either that or he likes monster flicks.  I hope this helps.
