Ask Blake Picture111

Dear Blake,

I’m 92 years old and I still drive. My children and grand children regularly tell me that they don’t want me behind the wheel of a car. I haven’t gotten a speeding ticket since 1964, but I must admit I’ve gotten a lot of tickets over the past few decades for driving too slow. What’s your opinion on this matter?

Signed, Eleanor

Orlando, Florida

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Dear Eleanor,

You’re 92 and you still drive? To where, other than pricing cemetery plots? I personally feel that no one should be driving, if they can remember a time when there weren’t any cars, or they went to their high school prom in a stagecoach. Doesn’t it bother you that your passengers get really uncomfortable when they hear your dentures chattering every time you exceed 40 mph? I think you should stay at home and do what people your age usually do, which is to constantly tell stories about how things used to be (that no one wants to hear), or to check your mailbox daily with anticipation, hoping that you’ve finally received your complete boxed set of Lawrence Welk videos. Either way, this will keep you from running people over on the sidewalk, or accidentally hitting the gas and parking the car inside of a grocery store. I hope this helps
