Ask Blake Picture111

Dear Blake,

I make a lot of money and so does my fiancé. We have been discussing a prenuptial agreement, and I feel a little uncomfortable about signing it even though both of our lawyers tell me that I should. Your thoughts?

Signed, Penelope

from Santa Monica, California

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Dear Penelope,

You should absolutely sign it! The divorce rate in this country is 52%, so statistically speaking, the person that you smile at as you walk down the aisle in your wedding dress, will be the exact same person 10 years from that you won’t be able to stand, to the point where the thought of him will induce vomiting. People change over time. You may initially be a good wife and mother, but on the other hand, you may wind up spending your last few dollars on a handbag that you ”had to have”, while your children are at home with bloated stomachs, because you haven’t fed them in over a week. And he may initially be a loving husband, but as you get older, he may be drawn to younger women to masquerade his inability to accept the fact that he has a receding hairline and a beer belly. By signing it and having a clear understanding on what belongs to who, you reduce the likelihood of you and your husband-to-be hurling death threats at each other during your imminent divorce proceedings. I hope this helps.
