Dear Blake,

I think a person in my life has kleptomania. I have seen her take things from my house, and I know she steals clothing from stores (as evidenced by the security clips still on them). A friend witnessed her take boxes of doughnuts from my wedding. When my friend confronted her about it, Janine said that she “deserved” them. She even took my husband’s glasses and then, a year later, set them on the kitchen counter — next to her purse. She has other sporadic behaviors as well. I’m struggling to be understanding about kleptomania, knowing that it’s a mental illness. I don’t want to lose my personal belongings or my relationships! I’m reluctant to talk to her about it because she can be combative and defensive. Is it socially acceptable to bring up this behavior with our mutual friends, or should we keep our mouths shut?

Signed, Darlene
From Anchorage, Alaska

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Dear Darlene,

I think in this case it’s time for an intervention with you and your friends, and force this “kleptomaniac” into counseling. And after she leaves each session, you and your friends should back hand her, alleging it’s part of her treatment called “slap therapy”collectively beat her up, alleging that it is part of her therapy. Anyway, here are some suggestions I think you should consider. If she comes slinks to your home, already have in your residence multiple cameras in every room, informing her that she is being filmed. But with the mindset of that crook, don’t be surprised if she steals the cameras. Or, ask your mutual friends for advice. If they act indifferent, tell them in the future, that the only time you will be near that rogue, is when she is over their house not yours. And once their furniture and cars come up missing from one of light finger’s visit, they’ll start seeing things your way. Never go into a store with her or you risk getting accused of being an accomplice to her shoplifting. However if you have to go with her, phone the store ahead of time, describe her, and tell security to have some handcuffs ready, along with some fully charged tasers. But if you find yourself in a position that she has to come over your house, let her know that because you are aware of her reputation, she can enter your home under non-negotiable conditions. Her purse has to be checked at the door, she cannot wear any clothes that has pockets, and no shoes, just a one piece bathing suit. And to drive your point home, because you live in Alaska, make sure she knows that the only time she can drop by your place… is exclusively January. I hope this helps.
