Dear Blake,
A year and a half ago, I separated from my husband because I was being neglected, not respected, and mistreated emotionally. During the separation, he had to have surgery and needed to be taken care of while he healed. I went back because, as his wife, I felt obligated to do the right thing.
I have tried to move forward and restore my marriage, but I still don’t feel loved or appreciated. In the back of my mind, I can’t forget the way he treated me in the past. I feel stuck because he isn’t working and doesn’t plan on working again. He says he’s not able to, but I believe he could do something that’s not strenuous. Please advise.
Signed, Mona
From Arlington Heights, Illinois
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Dear Mona,
It appears that your estranged husband is in a very vulnerable position. I would urge you to use this situation to get even with him, since you don’t know if or when you’ll ever get another opportunity to spew your vengeful venom. Here are some ideas. If he is now taking some medication, refuse to give it to him until he apologizes for his past abuses… while groveling on his knees. Don’t cook for him until he is willing to financial compensate you for his mistreatment. He may refuse initially, but that’ll change after he’s able to look in mirror and count his ribs. If he refuses to work, do not help him with his bills. And if he loses his home, tell him he can sell your wedding ring when you visit him at a local tent city. Lastly, if he has had open heart surgery, tell him you’ll scare him to death if he doesn’t start treating you properly. If he doesn’t believe you, wake him up in the middle of the night, as you stand over him carrying the biggest axe you could lift. If he still thinks you’re bluffing swing it toward his head. He’ll start taking you serious after you miss him by inches, and you cut the pillow in half. I hope this helps.