BREAKING NEWS – New York City, New York – NBC omits “God” from Pledge of Allegiance… again. The omission happened during a commercial promoting the network’s upcoming spy thriller called “Allegiance.” It’s not the first time the Peacock Network has dissed a deity. In 2011 NBC was forced, yes forced, to apologize after they omitted the phrase “one nation under God” from its coverage over the U.S. Open Championship. It happened not once, but twice. The omission ignited a firestorm on Twitter, the New York Daily News reported at the time. The President of NBC Steve Burke said in a written statement, “It is our opinion that God has worn out his welcome in our country. I believe in the existence of The Almighty, and that this country was founded on Christianity. However, God is no longer allowed to give his unsolicited opinion (as it should be), because we now have a Constitution that God is fully aware of and He is legally obligated to honor.”