BREAKING NEWS – New York City, New York – Author W.C. Jameson, in his new book “Amelia Earhart: Beyond the Grave,” claims the great female aviator who disappeared in 1937 was actually on a secret spying mission authorized by Franklin D. Roosevelt when she vanished. Jameson claims to have found evidence showing Earhart’s plane was equipped with cameras to record Japanese military installations in the Pacific Ocean when it lost contact in the Marshall Islands. The author writes that Earhart and her co-pilot Fred Noonan were shot down or landed in Japanese territory and held prisoners. His most incredible claim is, that when the Japanese wanted to return her in a prisoner swap, FDR nixed the idea. His reason for rejecting the suggestion from Japan was because he didn’t fully understand a newly created movement by the famous pilot that she planned to promote, regarding an unheard of word called “transgenders”.