BREAKING NEWS – Duluth, Minnesota – A policeman patrolling the Duluth-Two Harbors expressway had to give chase when his radar gun registered a 2016 Chevrolet Camaro SS doing 171 mph on the divided four-lane roads. “You get used to seeing people going 65 or 70 and what that looks like. But I’ve never seen anything like this. It’s like a rocket on wheels at that point,” said Hermantown Police Department Deputy Chief Shawn Padden. “It was the fastest speed the officer had ever seen, and he needed to accelerate his Dodge Charger Pursuit car up to 135 mph just to get close enough for the speed demon to see his lights.” The unidentified driver explained that he was duped by a prankster that changed the posted speed limit from “60 mph” to “60 x 3 mph”, thus he assumed he was still 9 mph under the max.