BREAKING NEWS – A microphone picked up MSNBC commentator Chris Matthews’ comments about Donald Trump’s wife Melania’s “runway walk.” Matthews, who did not realize his mic was on, was caught saying, “Did you see her walk? Runway walk. My God, is that good” while covering the Indiana primary for the network. His co-host, Brian Williams, noticing Matthews’ comments that were clearly meant to be private, cut to a commercial break. This isn’t the first time Matthews has been accused of making sexist comments. In 2011, he said Sarah Palin “could not be hotter as a candidate.” He later explained on the show to Williams, “Around 90% of the time I am around liberal democratic women that are involved in politics, and the majority of them look rough and angry. All I was saying was looking at Melania was a pleasant change of pace from what my tortured eyes has been used to seeing.”