BREAKING NEWS – Omaha, Nebraska – An illegal immigrant who sneaked into the United States from Mexico seven times was driving drunk and speeding down a Nebraska highway when he crashed his van last week, killing a passenger sitting in the back of the vehicle, prosecutors said. Douglas County prosecutors said Nemias Garcia-Velasco, 32, was deported in 2009 and 2011 and “voluntarily returned” to Mexico five times in 2005. He was convicted of making a false claim to U.S. citizenship in 2005. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was extremely critical of Garcia-Velasco. “He is in jail due to his own stupidity,” she began. “The smart thing for him to do after the accident, was for him to flee to California in any way possible, and we would’ve hid him from Nebraska law enforcement indefinitely. In California, we don’t deport criminals or fugitives to other countries or extradite them to other states. Only republicans would consider to do something so vile and insensitive.”