BREAKING NEWS – Memphis, Tennessee – A historic theater, which has shown “Gone With the Wind” screenings for 34 years, has decided to remove the classic film from its schedule due to its racially “insensitive” content. “The Orpheum Theater appreciates feedback on its programming from all members of the mid-south community,” Orpheum president Bret Batterson said in a statement. “As an organization whose stated mission is to ‘entertain, educate and enlighten the communities it serves,’ then we cannot show a film that is insensitive to a large segment of its local population.” Batterson also banned “The Godfather” because it might offend Italians, “The Incredible Hulk” over concerns it might encourage people to abuse steroids, and “The Wizard of Oz”, because it suggested when flying on their brooms, witches will ignore FAA laws and skywrite threatening messages over large cities.”