BREAKING NEWS – St. Louis, Missouri – Americans are firing back at a Missouri state senator who said she hoped President Trump would be assassinated. State Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal (D) wrote “I hope Trump is assassinated” in a post on her Facebook page. She initially refused to apologize, but did so four days later. A petition to remove Chappelle-Nadal from office and jail her for threatening the president has garnered more than 15,600 signatures. “I still won’t step down,” Chappelle-Nadal defiantly said in response to the growing amount of names. “I have no idea why people are coming at me this way, at this point in my life. In the past when relatives or close friends got me really angry, I would tell them to their faces that I hope they were murdered, and none of them ever started a petition. If I had it my way, every person that signed that stupid paper would be arrested and charged with trying to overthrow the (expletive) government!”