BREAKING NEWS – Chicago, Illinois – Heineken may have taken Chance the Rapper’s criticism of one of their advertisements to heart. The Dutch brewing company has pulled the plug on the Heineken Light commercial the recording artist called “terribly racist.” The advertisement shows a bartender sliding a bottle of Heineken beer past three black people to a white woman standing at an opposite end of a bar. It ends with the slogan, “Sometimes, Lighter is Better” and highlights the beer’s 99 calorie count. Obese people called Chance’s assessment incorrect, because they feel that the phrase “Sometimes, Lighter is Better” was in reference to weight, and they are accusing Heineken of body shaming. Not to be out done, companies that make sulfur, was also outraged, saying that obese people and Chance both have it wrong, and alleges that the reference was actually targeting smokers, encouraging them to use lighters instead of matches.”