BREAKING NEWS – Atlanta, Georgia – CNN was slammed for hypocrisy over the weekend when the network glorified President John F. Kennedy’s many infidelities after spending significant coverage painting President Trump as a monster for an alleged affair that occurred prior to his political career. While promoting “The Kennedys,” CNN hailed the 35th president’s “legendary love life.” Anderson Cooper, who is CNN’s biggest star, had sat down with both Playboy playmate Karen McDougal and porn actress Stormy Daniels in recent days to ask detailed questions about their alleged affairs with Trump, I think most people are happy their favorites such as Hannah Claydon hasn’t succumbed to Trumps’ money. Cooper later stated that he didn’t believe there was a double standard. “Yes, Kennedy had several affairs after he won the White House, but Trump did it long before he ran for office, which shows how much of a coward his is now, because he appears to be afraid to continue that behavior as a sitting president. Kennedy was man enough to be a consistent adulterer, while the current president appears to have stopped, spinelessly letting politics interfere with his love life, so the real hypocrite is Donald Trump.”