BREAKING NEWS – Boston, Massachusetts – If you’ve ever wished someone a “Merry Christmas” or said “God bless you” when someone sneezes, you’ve committed an act of “Islamomisic microaggressions,” according to college librarians at a Massachusetts college. The Anti-Oppression Library Guide at Simmons College in Boston is a collaborative effort among the school’s librarians, reported “Islamomisic Microaggressions are commonplace verbal or behavioral indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, which communicates hostile, derogatory, or negative slights in relation to the beliefs and religious practices of Muslims,” the librarians argue. “They are structurally based and invoke oppressive systems of religious/Christian hierarchy.” The guide also said, that if any student has an issue with Islamic terrorists murdering Christians, they “should stop being so judgmental, and respect the customs and traditions of other religions, in regards of their ‘freedom of expression’ through executions.”