BREAKING NEWS – St. Paul, Minnesota – Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison scored a victory Tuesday night in the Minnesota primary race for the state’s attorney general days after domestic abuse accusations against him surfaced. Ellison, who serves as the deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee and is the first Muslim elected to Congress, was accused over the weekend of emotional and physical abuse by an ex-girlfriend. Addressing the abuse allegations in his victory speech, Ellison said: “We had a very unexpected event at the end of this campaign that happened. I can assure all of my supporters, that the incident which happened between me and my ex-girlfriend Karen Monahan was not sexual abuse, because it only involved knuckles. How I kicked her butt behind closed doors, is nobody’s business but ours. As a strong believer in Sharia Law, Karen should stop complaining, and thank Allah that she’s still alive. And she should also know, that my religion does not recognize restraining orders.”