BREAKING NEWS – Los Angeles, California – Liberal music superstar Cher is holding congressional Democrats’ feet to the fire amid the ongoing partial government shutdown. It came after President Trump delivered a prime-time address from the Oval Office on Tuesday night making the case for funding the border wall, which was followed by a response from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., who argued that the president must reopen the government in order to continue conversations about border security. Cher then tweeted to both democrats, to fund the wall alleging that people will be losing their homes and starving to death. Schumer responded to the singing legend by saying, “As far as starving is concerned, according to the Center of Disease Control, the majority of Americans are overweight, so for those people in particular, this might be a blessing in disguise.” Pelosi also fired back at Cher. “What do you know about budgeting? You’ve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on plastic surgery, and I only spend a fraction of that on my weekly Botox injections, with similar results. The maintenance of my expressionless face is more cost effective than your botched surgeries. Is this the level of stupidity the reason why Sonny left you? Where is he? I wanna get his take on this?”