BREAKING NEWS – El Paso, Texas – We’re doomed! Beto O’Rourke starts presidential campaign by claiming the world faces ‘catastrophe’ and warns ‘hundreds of millions’ of climate refugees will overwhelm borders and humanity could go EXTINCT unless we fix the planet in 12 years. He painted an apocalyptic picture of America’s future, claiming global warming will unleash “massive migration of tens or hundreds of millions of people from countries that are literally uninhabitable or under water, that are above the sea right now. And eventually us too” He concluded by saying within 20 years, “America will be completely underwater and become a legend like Atlantis the lost continent ina a couple of decades. The only people that will survive in this country, will be the folks that live in small towns at the top of Rocky Mountains. And if I was elected president, I would allot funds for PETA to distribute as they saw fit, to every zoo in this nation that I mandate to build an ark.”