BREAKING NEWS – Nashua, New Hampshire – While former Texas Congressman and Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke made his second trip to N.H., speaking to voters at Nashua Community College, he was asked to comment on the Mueller Report. “If you do not have collusion, then there might very well have been, cooperation,” O’Rourke began. “And uh, uh… if it wasn’t cooperation. Then uh… uh, uh, it might have been cohabitation. Who is to say that Trump didn’t rent an apartment in Moscow and live with some of the Russians? And if it wasn’t cohabitation, maybe it was condensation. This happens when water which collects as droplets on a cold surface when humid air is in contact with it. So I’m calling for an investigation of all of the President’s refrigerators. And if wasn’t condensation, maybe it was concentration. What is President Trump thinking intensely about? This could’ve been determined, if Mueller would have questioned Trump with a hypnotist.” O’Rourke continued his speech in the parking lot, after following about about three quarters of the people that walked out while he was speaking.